

 巷にケルンコンサートの譜面は出回っている。そしてその譜面をめくりながら演奏している動画もYouTubeに散見される。こんな動画をみてKeithはきっと 「あなたの言葉で話なさい」と言うに違いない。

2013年11月2日 前橋テルサホール 第15回華麗なる上州音楽会

Although I warned that the Koln concert was done, a worried day continues looking at the musical score -- it passed [ thing ] on several. This music is not performed seeing a musical score or looking at a musical score. Then, it does not become language. I was the concert faced in the fresh ground of abandonment. The musical score of the Cologne concert has appeared on the market in public.
And the animation currently performed while turning over the musical score also appears here and there to YouTube. seeing such an animation -- Keith -- surely --   it says, "he talk-does in your words" -- a mistake is made in being alike and there is nothing. The improvisatorial solo of a piano is developed having a dialog with a piano reacting to the sound which came out of the piano. Steinway of the touch (I liking) of this Maebashi Tersa was slightly far from the feeling to which a fingertip moves the performance of heaviness, however that day freely.
I performed about 3 minutes, passed, become less boring and seceded from the copy of the Cologne concert quickly. Since what a piano says too much is not listened to, my finger (or it says, hand) loses temper in about 6 minutes at last.  A redundant conversation with Steinway continues after it.
Introduction development turn and conclusion did not have anything, either.
It is [ improvisatorial and ] just going to say that it is carried out with Improvisation well.
Now, this performance is improvisatorial [ which was performed by the provisional declaration for 12 minutes ].
 I was trying to perform, since time could be worrisome and was not able to concentrate although it has performed improvisatorial, carrying out a clock and a staring contest before without seeing a clock.
It may be harvest that an improvisatorial solo came made in plus-or-minus 30 seconds to the schedule for 12 minutes recently.
November 2, 2013   The Maebashi Tersa Hall/    Joshu  concert the 15th time .


Norwegian Wood / ノルウェイの森 Piano Trioでもう一息

NORWEGIAN WOOD (This Bird Has Flown)

  I once had a girl
  or should I say she once had me
  She showed me her room
  Isn't it good, Norwegian wood

  She asked me to stay
  And she told me to sit anywhere
  So I looked around
  And I noticed there wasn't a chair

  I sat on a rug, biding my time
  Drinking her wine
  We talked until two
  And then she said, it's time for bed

  She told me she worked in the morning
  And started to laugh
  I told her I didn't
  And crawled off to sleep in the bath

  And when I awoke I was alone
  This bird has flown
  So I lit a fire
  Isn't it good, Norwegian wood

「ノルウェイの森」 大ベストセラーの題名として知られるこの「ノルウェイの森」というフレーズは、ビートルズの人気曲 Norwegian Wood[ノーウィージェン・ウッド] の邦題としても有名である。ただ、Norwegian Wood は「ノルウェイの森」という意味ではない。これは「ノルウェイ産の材木」とでも訳すのが正しい。ビートルズのこの歌は、ノルウェイ産の材木を使って作られた部屋を舞台にした一夜の物語であり、歌の主人公は最後にこの部屋に火をつけてしまうという内容である。ちなみに、「ノルウェイの森」を英語で言うとすれば、woods in Norway か a forest in Norway となる』

Norwegian Woodという曲の歌詞には どうやら、

前回は Augusta Jazz Funk Bandでのアレンジ
http://choro2648.blogspot.jp/2013/09/hancock-arrangenorway.html 小池氏のsoprano saxが素晴らしい。まだコードのつなぎ、解釈がスムーズにいかない。