記憶 ⇒ 理解 ⇒ 推測 ⇒ 創造
創造 推測が十分できるような段階の人が,突然何かを思いつくこと。
「記憶」しただけで「理解」したと思ってしまっているようだ。だから私は「覚える」という言葉を使うのをためらう。 私が「覚える」というときには,単に「記憶」するだけでなく「理解」することも含む。しかしそういう言葉遣いはなかなかわかってもらえない。
これは作曲の世界で突然新しいことを思いつくことを指すのだろうと思うが,実は音楽でも,そしてもちろん先端の数学でも,「従来結びついていなかったもの同士を結びつけること」によって新しい発見が生まれることがおおい。 その点では「推測」と「創造」の境目がどこなのかわかりにくい。
Mixi日記 2006年02月05日より転載
which Mr. Osamu Soda (p) tells the following talks in Kobe the other day.
It is [ following ] quotation.
Although there is no telling whether it is useful for practice of jazz ...
There are the following four steps in activity of man's brain.
Memory => understanding => guess => Creation
Memory is memorizing information literally and will call it "rote memorization" once.
The understanding should give the mutual relation of the memorized information.
There, "theory" and "reason" hang around.
Even when the world memorized by guess understanding was connected like meshes of a net and it is in charge of a strange subject, it is possible how it should be coped with based on the understood known information.
Creation The person of a stage whose guess is possible enough needs to think of suddenly [ something ].
It seems that he has thought he "understood" only by "memorizing."
Therefore, I hesitate to use the word of "memorizing."
When I say, "I memorize", "it not only memorizing", but "understanding" contains.
However, I do not let you such wording known very much.
About "creation", it is "happening to think suddenly, although it does not understand somehow."
although it thinks that this will point out thinking of a new thing suddenly in the world of composition, in fact, music is also natural -- new discovery is born also by mathematics at a tip "by tying up what were not connected conventionally" -- a cover.
It is unclear in where the boundary line of a "guess" and "creation" is at the point.
Important one should not result even in creation without memory and an understanding here.
Although it is a pyramid type structure and there are many people who are going to do shortcut, if shortcut is carried out, don't result in creation after all.
It seems that it is practicing honestly in short.
Mixi diary It reproduces from February 05, 2006.
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