Rachmaninov Piano Concerto No.2 3rd movement , Jazz Piano
Music, such as a classic and a children's song, has very many outstanding materials, and it is very pleasant work to jazz-ize these. When I always consider the piano trio dealing with non-jazz music arrangement, a near motif is decided and acting before the audience is faced one music in the rehearsal for about 10 minutes. A problem in case Jazz carries out the material of the classic music has the serious trap where a code does not advance per 4 vibrant tunes and which is a code per 4-8 vibrant tune of not carrying out introduction development turn and conclusion. Although this performance created the code musical score, it has sense of incongruity strong against a code advancing per 3 vibrant tunes, and became the last arrangement of deleting 1 vibrant-tune insertion and a certain portion into the portion in a musical score original without a method. I fell into "the spatial perception obstacle of jazz" in this performance, and have lost the current position. I am very ashamed.
April 14 2013 Hideaki Kohga(p)、Yasuo Sakai(b)、Yuuki Ito (d) Kui,monoya Ryo Takasaki
ラフマニノフ ピアノ協奏曲第二番 第三楽章 ジャズピアノトリオ
ちなみの28小節単位。小節を修正しても 8小節+16小節+4小節(合計28小節)というトリッキーな小節の構成でした。
2013年4月14日 甲賀英明(p)、坂井康良(b)、伊藤勇輝(d) くいものや亮 / 高崎市
初めてYoutubeに投稿した動画 Night Jam / 集団即興
This movie is the first for me to contribute to Youtube for about six years in a front. This music becomes [ Does it say / Group improvisatorial /? ], and is a new style. individual -- mind -- although it is, it is worried that an animation may be buried.
2007/8/25 Two keyboards,tp and Tabla performed impromptu music at Takasaki-Hachibee. The sound that is dark rules over the meeting place. The camera work is excellent, too. Make arrangements with key = E to a sound of the tuning of Tabla. Only as for metamorphic degree =2, the instructions of wicked degree =5. Moment spot processing music catch-as-catch-can afterward.
Trumpet funk☆man "Miles" Tabla&Drums Tabla "ねんど。"
Keboard cherry "Corea" Keyboard hew "Zawinul" Camera bouya "Maru"
2007/8/25 高崎市/八兵衛で行われた2台の鍵盤、tp、Tabla による即興音楽。ダークなサウンドが会場を支配。カメラワークも秀逸。Tablaのチューニングの音に合わせkey = Eと打ち合せ。さらに変態度=2、邪悪度=5の指示だけ。あとは出たとこ勝負の瞬間現場処理音楽。サインが飛び交っています。
2007/8/25 Two keyboards,tp and Tabla performed impromptu music at Takasaki-Hachibee. The sound that is dark rules over the meeting place. The camera work is excellent, too. Make arrangements with key = E to a sound of the tuning of Tabla. Only as for metamorphic degree =2, the instructions of wicked degree =5. Moment spot processing music catch-as-catch-can afterward.
Trumpet funk☆man "Miles" Tabla&Drums Tabla "ねんど。"
Keboard cherry "Corea" Keyboard hew "Zawinul" Camera bouya "Maru"
2007/8/25 高崎市/八兵衛で行われた2台の鍵盤、tp、Tabla による即興音楽。ダークなサウンドが会場を支配。カメラワークも秀逸。Tablaのチューニングの音に合わせkey = Eと打ち合せ。さらに変態度=2、邪悪度=5の指示だけ。あとは出たとこ勝負の瞬間現場処理音楽。サインが飛び交っています。
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