驚くべきことに歪珠亭も5齢を持ち堪えてしまった 昼は精神科医 夜は亭主 寝る間もなかったためか、ひどく短い5年間であった。反骨 反証の日夜で、反骨の対象は能率と合理しか求めぬ現代文明 反証の相手は亭に集まるプレイヤー達で ピアノ18人、管7人、ベース12人、ドラムス9人 その他10数人 ついでに数えたら外人プレイヤー13人であった。
その間の赤字が月100万、空間創りに4千万、〆て金一億円也 何故こんな人生をやることのなったのか 25年前に聴いてしまったMJQとアート・ブレイキーの祟りか そして とうとうこんなレコードを作る羽目にあい至った。これは歪珠亭が世に贈る三枚目のアルバムで、一枚目は素晴らしい神成音の”洞唱"、3枚目はケニー・ドリューとレッドミッチェルの名デュオ "洞 ” とは歪珠亭洞窟が光輝いているという自画自賛の意である。
"ハード・バップを意識する”とは創造者樽は常に己の回帰すべきルネッサンスを想えという命題で、世は当にマニエリズム 小手先 小細工の時代 お前さん 停電の時には音楽お休みかいと言いたい。歪珠亭とは Salon Barockperleかの人類最大の創造と統合時代を理念としている。ハリウッド資本と組み羽化して鳳蝶と舞ってしまったジャズを否定したハードバップをこの歪珠亭で如何に発展させるかは当初からの一つの課題で、ジャズはその誕生から見て材質的な世界の真摯な探求者なり、構造が先行してはならぬ、まして昨日なぞは結果として生じるもの也。うねりをもった4ビート 通奏低音としてのベース バラッドであれスイングする管 ベーゼンドルファの澄んだ中高音域を躍動させること等々 亭主の小うるさい注文にも 若いプレイヤー達はよう精進した。グラスを投げつけたことのあったろう。何十年か経って彼等がこのレコードを聞く時、我儘な亭主のことをどう思い出してくれるだろうか。その時の彼等のプレイを私は多分聞くことはできないだろう。
歪珠亭 亭主 茅野淑朗
A while ago Ms. Junko Moriya said
"Speaking of an unusual live house, there was nothing to be on the right of the <distorted ball temple> that was in Minami Urawa before."
I follow the memory of "Hizumi-dama-tei".
About 1986 more than 30 years ago, I worked at the Saitama Cancer Center. I forgot about what triggered, but then it was decided to go to the stone pier in the South Urawa with a boss and a head (at that time) and several people at the time.
There was a very striking stained glass in the cave that cut out dimly lava, and Mr. Chino owned by the owner came. It seemed to be intimate with my boss. Mr. Chino was a psychiatrist and remodeled the third floor of the home clinic into a live house, which was an unusual baroque space imitating a cave. At that time I did not do live, but I bought a live version LP recorded at Kenny Drew and Red Mitchell's store and came home.
There are two records that were recorded at Stone Temple in hand.
Quoted from Mr. Chino's distressed pite part as it is from this liner notes.
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Stone pier and hard bop
Surprisingly it was a very brief 5 years, because the stone pavilion also endured the 5th age during the day when the psychiatrist night was staying asleep while sleeping. On the day and night of the rebellious counterbalance, the target of the rebellion is only the efficiency and the rational The opponent of the contest of contemporary civilization is gathered at the tea, 18 pianos, 7 people, 7 basses, 12 basses, 9 drums and 10 others others counted There were 13 foreign players.
In the meantime, 1 million monthly, 40 million for space creation, 100 million yen afterwards, why have you decided to do such a life? Why did you have to do this life? MJQ I heard 25 years ago Finally, I am at the edge of Art Blakey and then at last I got to make a record like this. This is the third album Okuri Tatei gives to the world, the first one is a "great song" of the wonderful god sound, the third one is Kenny Drew and the name duo "Dong" of Red Mitchell It is the self-praising that the cave is shining light.
"Conscious of hard bop" is a proposition that the creator barrel always thinks of the Renaissance to be regained by myself, the world is the era of maniculand miniature workmanship You are a musical holiday when you are out of power. The idea of a district temple is Salon Barockperle 's greatest creation and integration age of mankind. How to develop a hard bap that denies jazz that has fluttered with a Hollywood capital and emerged as a phoenix butterfly at this district is one subject from the beginning, and jazz is a material that looks from its birth It is a serious explorer of the world, the structure must not be preceded, much less yesterday is the result. Young players and others promoted to small orders of the hostel as well, such as to raise the clear middle and high frequency range of the Bosen Dolpha swinging, whether it is a base ballad as a low-pitched 4-beat convincing bass with swell. I guess I had thrown a glass. How long do they remember about my host when they listen to this record? I probably can not listen to their play at that time.
Shakudatei owner Change Toshiro
Shikudatei was a shop of Mr. Chino's polite attention.
I wonder what time it has gone?