2014年5月11日 高崎/くいものや亮
「主よ、人の望みの喜びよ」が含まれる Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben は学生の頃の医学ドイツ語の単語を並べたようなタイトルのカンタータ第147番<心と口と行いと生活で> で、1723年7月2日の礼拝のために書かれている。この時バッハは38歳 タイトルはこの賛美歌の英語訳 " Jesu, The Joy of Man`s Desire "に基づいているが、「主こそわが望み」として教会賛美歌集第29番に収録されている。
G G Am7 G/B
Em G/D C C
A/C# D D/F# D
G G Am7 G/B
Em G/D C A/C#
■3小節単位に書き直してみると、 3小節×8段となり
G G Am7
G/B Em G/D
C C A/C#
D D/F# D
G G Am7
G/B Em G/D
C A/C# D
本番では、ベースはPedal Gで、ピアノがコードを変化させて遊んで、ベースは「炎のランナー」で遊ぶ。ドラムへの指示は最初はストレート、途中からコテコテに盛り上げて、という指示だけでありましたが、かなりのコテコテ度で面白い。
■ Investigate the original melody.
" Jesu, The Joy of Man`s Desire " -- Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben contained is the cantata No. 147th of a title which put the word of medicine German as a student in order <the heart, a mouth, a deed, and a life>, and is written for the worship on July 2, 1723. At this time, Bach is 38 years old. Although the title is based on English Version" Jesu of this hymn, and The Joy of Man`s Desire", it is recorded on the church hymnbook No. 29th as "the Lord is just my wish." Although what I have got used to in the theme of famous melodic 3 連音 of nine rhythm for 8 minutes is the piano arrangement version (1920) by Maira . Hess, once it hears it, it will not separate from an ear. Now, arrangement is begun for piano trios based on the original melody. Even if it calls it jazz-ization, there is also a hand of re-harmonaization (code change), but it tries for a rhythm to also perform a theme straight faithfully to the original melody faithfully here.
■ When it drops on code music, it is ad lib difficulty?
When a code musical score is written to a base and a drum, it is 24 vibrant-tune one chorus.
When account music is carried out per usual 4 vibrant tunes (4 vibrant-tune x6 step), it has not concluded per 4 vibrant tunes. The way things stand, even if it sees a musical score, it is hard to do ad lib. There are many fraction codes depended on a developed type like the music of Bethoven.
G G Am7 G/B
Em G/D C C
A/C# D D/F# D
G G Am7 G/B
Em G/D C A/C#
■ When it rewrites per 3 vibrant tunes, it becomes 3 vibrant-tune x8 step, and is
G. G Am7
G/B Em G/D
C C A/C#
D D/F# D
G G Am7
G/B Em G/D
C A/C# D
The code was concluded every three vibrant tunes finely. It was the discovery fresh as a jazz store which has adapted itself to the music of most usually making it conclude per 4 vibrant tunes.
But it was natural, when were considered well and musical-score-izing 9/8 rhythm.
A base is Pedal G, a piano changes a code, acting before the audience is played, and a base plays it by "Charios of Fire." Although it was only the directions "heap up the directions to a drum from a straight and the middle at first", it is interesting at remarkable to the core.