
邪悪スクリャービン系爆走即興ソロ。 第18回上州音楽会 2014.11.23 前橋テルサホール

 このスタインウエイは群馬近辺で最も相性が良い。当面ピアノに「弾かせる」ことに任せた。直前まであまり考えずに スタートが良ければなんとかなる。即興に必要なものは、まず体調管理と、良いピアノとホール。出てきた音に瞬間瞬間反応しながら音楽が出来上がる。反応時間としてはピアノと私の指先だけの反射的感覚で、あまり脳から指令はでていないようだ。この演奏は久々に「ピアノと指先が勝手に合体し、それを客観的に目と脳でみている」感覚になった。




2014年11月23日 第18回上州音楽会 前橋テルサホール

This Steinway & Sons piano is most compatible with me at Gunma vicinity. I left "to make" a piano play for a while. With not thinking so much even just before about the improvised contents, I was here. When the beginning works, it'll be somehow. I, I think, it's improvised, something necessary is physical condition management, a good piano and a hole first. Though an impromptu reacts to the sound which has come out at the moment at the moment in case of me, music is formed, and I go. An order doesn't seem too given from a brain by reflex judge only of a piano and my fingertip as reaction time this case.
 Interest will announce 12 minutes and go immediately recently. The reason is unclear, but this performance has ended correctly mostly.
  Before my that time is improvised, there aren't too much things I thought and prepared. When saying forcibly, today's color will go by "chord of the wicked system". I'll see using the best tone and the lowest tone a piano doesn't usually use. I'll do rhythm play. I'm afraid of a fall most, so I'll go by the full-speed system, not the gentle nature comfortably.
  Interest will be explained from later immediately by itself. So-called 4− is the world of the chord backlash of 8 measure unit. There aren't so much chords with which the next proceeds to one chord   (cord). The prediction of the next chord is possible by a fingertip. There are almost no things flying 5 times 4 times in the evidence. There is also no 2-5.The route tone of one chord finds out that a halftone, Hajime sound rise or a change in the chord by which it's inner voice whether you descend is being used. And while not noticing, a cord is convergent in route D (D. Major or D minor key) also I become unconscious at 3-6 time. But, anyway only the reach of its captured chessman comes out.
 You said that Scriabin was depending by a comment from a friend after a performance. Last time was called Debussy who got drunk. 

The 18th time of  Joshu concert November 23, 2014   Maebashi TERUSA Hall
Playing: Koga Hideaki

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