GallStone / by H Kohga
Music Exploration Company
Tigar Kotetsu (g)、H Kohga( key)、M. Doki(b)、H. Kanazawa (d)
how to compose in my case.
1. I consider the change code or change mode, for want of their ownimprovisation. I have freely and have an idea of incognito Burui is probably close.
2. Given the (theme) for simple and catchy riffs (mode) that code.
3. Given the title of the song at the end. (Most in fact this is not good)
It wants to do improvisation in that mode or up or down parallel semitone three times in a short Mixolydian mode, the same mode as the maiden voyage trackprogress made in the 'Around (1980 when a four-year university. Actually. The title is borrowed from the teaching of surgery at that time Have ceased to be the title since the disease because it is not a good thing. Just create your own, can not be too difficult in poly mode still decentimprovisation to this addition. The song became a staple of Augusta Jazz Funk Band, this song revival Also, if you bring this music to the expedition. In the progression of human wind mode is basically anathema, expected totune guitar orientation, we have developed a great ad lib Shacho expedition. Wolf Boy Ken is reminiscent of the drum in the remodeling? Rhythm would notsay what the hell?
Music Exploration Company 【音楽探検隊】
タイガー小鉄(g)、甲賀英明(key)、道木正之(b)、金澤洋幸(d) 2012.02.19 MEC公開リハより
1. I consider the change code or change mode, for want of their ownimprovisation. I have freely and have an idea of incognito Burui is probably close.
2. Given the (theme) for simple and catchy riffs (mode) that code.
3. Given the title of the song at the end. (Most in fact this is not good)
It wants to do improvisation in that mode or up or down parallel semitone three times in a short Mixolydian mode, the same mode as the maiden voyage trackprogress made in the 'Around (1980 when a four-year university. Actually. The title is borrowed from the teaching of surgery at that time Have ceased to be the title since the disease because it is not a good thing. Just create your own, can not be too difficult in poly mode still decentimprovisation to this addition. The song became a staple of Augusta Jazz Funk Band, this song revival Also, if you bring this music to the expedition. In the progression of human wind mode is basically anathema, expected totune guitar orientation, we have developed a great ad lib Shacho expedition. Wolf Boy Ken is reminiscent of the drum in the remodeling? Rhythm would notsay what the hell?
Music Exploration Company 【音楽探検隊】
タイガー小鉄(g)、甲賀英明(key)、道木正之(b)、金澤洋幸(d) 2012.02.19 MEC公開リハより
作曲のしかた (私の場合)
1. 自分のやりたいアドリブのためのコードチェンジ、またはモードチェンジを考える。(これ最優先) おそらくincognitoのプルーイが近い発想をしていると勝手に思っている。
2. そのコード(モード)のためのシンプルでキャッチーなリフ(テーマ)を考える。
3. 最後に曲のタイトルを考える。(実は一番これが苦手)
1. 自分のやりたいアドリブのためのコードチェンジ、またはモードチェンジを考える。(これ最優先) おそらくincognitoのプルーイが近い発想をしていると勝手に思っている。
2. そのコード(モード)のためのシンプルでキャッチーなリフ(テーマ)を考える。
3. 最後に曲のタイトルを考える。(実は一番これが苦手)
Augusta Jazz Funk Bandの定番曲となりましたが、今回音楽探検隊に持って来たら、またこの曲が復活。基本的に管楽器の人には忌み嫌われるモード進行で、ギター向きの曲と予想、探検隊のシャチョーが素晴らしいアドリブを展開しています。
Augusta Jazz Funk Bandの定番曲となりましたが、今回音楽探検隊に持って来たら、またこの曲が復活。基本的に管楽器の人には忌み嫌われるモード進行で、ギター向きの曲と予想、探検隊のシャチョーが素晴らしいアドリブを展開しています。
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