■アルバム 至上の愛について
J Coltraneは1926年生まれ、Miles Davisと同年生まれである。(ちなみに私の父も大正元年生まれで同級であるが)要するに私の親父世代。
コルトレーンが神に捧げた、全4パート構成による組曲のアルバム。作曲に当たって、カバラの書物の影響を受けたという。異なるリズムを並走させるポリリズムはメロディーと和音、音階を軸とする西洋音楽ではなく、インドやアフリカといった地域の他にはないリズムから大きく影響を受けたと言われている。レギュラー・カルテットの渾身の演奏が高く評価された。本作でひとつの境地に達したコルトレーンは、その後より先鋭的でアバンギャルドなフリー・ジャズの領域に挑戦することとなる。 by Wikipedia 2018.07.29
時は今から41年前 私は大学1年生に入ってジャズをやりたい思っていた矢先、赤城山のPEPEというレストランに森村恭一郎カルテットの演奏を聞きに行った。
演奏は森村恭一郎先生(ts)、森村哲也(ds)、牧野元昭(g) 渡辺好造(b)
この時に10年に一度レベルの音楽的ショックを受けた 以来「いつかこのバンドでやりたい」が私の一つの目標となった。
しかし、もう少しピアノがうまくなりたい。 頭を冷やして反省。
About " A Love Supreme "
J Coltrane was born in 1926, born the same year as Miles Davis. (By the way my father was also the same class as I was born in Taisho Era in the first year.) In short it is my father generation.
He sprinted about three times as many people as he died, and on July 17, 1967 he died of liver cancer at the age of 40. It is 51 years after death this year.The supreme love is the recording release on December 9, 1964 is 1965. Below is quoted from Wikipedia.
An album of suite for all four parts composed by Coltrane dedicated to God. It was said that he was influenced by Kabbala's books when composing. It is said that poly rhythms that run different rhythms in parallel are influenced largely by rhythms other than melody, chords, Western music centered on the scale, other than in regions such as India and Africa. The performance of the whole body of the regular quartet was highly appreciated. Coltrane who reached one point in this work will challenge the area of more acute and avant-garde free jazz afterwards. By Wikipedia 2018.07.29
First experience
Sometimes 41 years ago I went to a university first grader and I wanted to do jazz and I went to ask the play of Morimura Kyoichiro Quartet in a restaurant named PEPE at Akagiyama.
Mr. Kyoichiro Morimura (ts), Tetsuya Morimura (ds), Masaaki Makino (g) Kazuzo Watanabe (b)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makino Motohisa
Ever since I received a level musical shock every ten years at this time "I want to do it in this band someday" became one of my goals.
It was also this time that I learned that Aizawa-san was a senior at the same university and graduated from the main level.
I purely thought that jazz and study should do their best.
The supreme love
This time will be the 12th participation. As it is, "understanding is going forward" should be, but it is rather a mysterious song that goes away
Professor Morimura was always attracted by the whole body and 41 people came on the day.
An unusual atmosphere like a curse that started before it started.
Recently other musician 's performance somehow does not like somehow. I heard only the original family.It is bright or the atmosphere is too different.The supreme love to the fourth movement All songs are very tight.
Mr. Morimura, who is highly respected personally, is a cheerleader who plays music.
A pleasure to play with musically respected fellows.
Mr. Hayashi 's wonderful drumming also changes interpretation.
McCoy was drunk in the performance.
However, I want to improve the piano a little more. I chill down my head and reflect on.
I brought it to the teacher 's lesson and reviewed.
I got a little advice and reflected. Do not forget next year.
The next production should be after one year.
The current feeling is endless after the exam of one week is over, summer holidays are coming up
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