

With thinking nothing at all before a performance, this performance is the impromptu I made a piano play. This time was a tape measure course. I myself wasn't in too good health. I'll enumerate an adjective to this impromptu.
" Talkative " " Elegant " " A hand often also moves. " " Continuation of the moment performance "
" Monotonous " "  sit down on settlement. " " There are no construction and order. " " There is no narrativity. " " play the keyboard too much fast. "
It seems a little better to play composition while thinking.
December 27, 2014 Fifth Gunma Twitter Piano Group
using Steinway full concert grand piano, Piano Plaza Gunma
Piano : Hideaki Kohga

” 饒舌な " " 流麗な " " よくも手が動く " " 瞬間芸の連続 "
" 単調な " " まとまりにかける "  " 起承転結がない " " 物語性がない " " 鍵盤を速く叩き過ぎる "
ピアノプラザ群馬 シューベルトサロン
演奏 甲賀英明

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