
弾き手とピアノの会話 Angst ( Maebashi Tersa Improvisation Part 3 )

2014年7月12日 被災ピアノ復活コンサート (前橋テルサロビー)
Part 3 Angst (Maebashi Tersa Improvisation , July 12, 2014 )







Damaged Bösendorfer Revival Concert
Maebashi Tersa Roby  Part 3 Angst , Piano Solo Improvisation

 This improvisatorial part is the second half which the tune was going up most. ( maybe ), The cacophony of the better piano of tuning is happily more beautiful. The "wonderful" reverberation in which sound comes down from on the head occasionally with rich sound like a full concert ground is comfortable. 

 If it passes over bisection from a performance start, the Bösendorfer made from 1939 will change to my finger, and will begin to riot. It begins to run about at full speed. Sound completes and goes at the moment to uneasy inside occasionally like a terrible storm at a moment. 

 Soon, a storm goes away, and moves and goes to the following scenery. 
Improvisatorial without a musical score is transitory.  An Movie "fixes" improvisatorial. 

 By the improvisatorial music which advances and goes while reacting to an instantaneous sound at the moment, there is always danger of damping. It is difficult to consider the whole composition and to clarify introduction development turn and conclusion. 

 I am poor at performing improvisatorial, looking at a clock. Furthermore, having been troubled has a certain study group at the same place on the day, and it has encountered the friend of a place of work in a body. The motto which does not bring work to music and which does not carry music into work is full collapse. 

 My wife by whom the only help rarely comes to hear my piano commented only this portion "was good." This is a very new thing. 

 Since description of this performance is explained by the blog of my friend with literary talent.


Color changes in a dazzling spectacle. Damaged Bösendorfer Restoration Concert August 2, 2014.

  This performance is an improvisation in the Damaged Bösendorfer restoration concert by which it was hit by the earthquake disaster held in the Takasaki-shi, Gumma synthesis welfare egg hole on August 2, 2014. I talked with this piano for the first time in three years.
 One after another, color scenery changes only to it being dazzling, and goes as the piano is speaking something. Although the piano had entitled an unstable sound at first, gradually, the dazzling world of rich color is drawn talkatively, and it goes.
 Usually, improvisation comes out only in the range of the technology which self has, and the music which self experienced. If self-analysis of this performance is conducted, a destination exists two to three times to one code. So to speak, it is " chord play" improvisation. A key's converging one on D and another are becoming a triple measure unawares, even if it begins by quadruple measure. This is not conscious of this during a performance.



2014 年8月2日 被災ピアノ復活コンサート 群馬県高崎市総合福祉会館 たまごホール
演奏 : H. Kohga.




●2014.8.02(土)  1400 高崎/高崎総合福祉会館たまごホール  

 出演 甲賀英明(P) 澤田まゆみ(P)

●2014.8.09(土)1930 高崎/ケイノート

 K Note Jazz Project 甲賀英明(p)、山中幸一(b)、水野伸一(d)
 Guest : 小林里枝

2014.8.10 (日)1830 高崎/くいものや亮

 くいものや亮Musician`s Club 山崎隆之(ts, ss, bc) 甲賀英明(p)坂井康良(b) 水野伸一(d)
 Guest : 木村レミン(as)

●2014.9.13(土)1930 高崎/ケイノート
 K Note Jazz Project 甲賀英明(p)、山中幸一(b)、岩本次郎(D) Guest : 鈴木拓 二部ジャムセッション

●2014.9.14  1400 前橋/関口梨勝園ジャズフェスティバル
 梨園オールスターズ レミン(vo)、甲賀英明(p)、小林里枝(as)、荒井雅子(d)、柿沼翔太(b)、

2014.9.15(月祭)1830 高崎/くいものや亮
 くいものや亮Musician`s Club 山崎隆之(ts, ss, bc) 甲賀英明(p)坂井康良(b) 伊藤勇輝(d) Guest : 細井徳太郎(g) 終了後セッション


Improvisatorial Conversation for 14 minutes with Bechstein Full Concert Grand

Eyes, an ear, and a finger carry out shortcut when I am improvising, and I do not consider at all. Is it made into Bechstein whether for me to use a Bösendorfer conversation with Bechstein for 14 minutes, it was wavering.
 However, I listened to the performance of a rich feeling of color of Debussy of Mr. E of the 3 public, and chose Bechstein.
Although it was slightly redundant, it unites with a piano and I fall into a cartridge or the feeling carried out. A fingertip reacts to Bechstein's bright tone and sound is spelled in the state where the head is almost empty. It seems that the old woman of past these 90 years old likes "an easy bright color." This improvisation became contrastive [ the sport-combative system improvisatorial with another Bösendorferr which I flipped ] these two weeks ago.
If a piano changes, improvisatorial will change 180 degrees.
Schedule performance time was exceeded for 2 minutes.
July 27, 2014 The 17th Kamitsuke concert The Maebashi dream studio

2014 年7月27日 第17回 上州音楽会 前橋 夢スタジオ
即興 14分間のベヒシュタインとの会話 
演奏 : 甲賀英明