2014年7月12日 被災ピアノ復活コンサート (前橋テルサロビー)
Part 3 Angst (Maebashi Tersa Improvisation , July 12, 2014 )
Damaged Bösendorfer Revival Concert
Maebashi Tersa Roby Part 3 Angst , Piano Solo Improvisation
This improvisatorial part is the second half which the tune was going up most. ( maybe ), The cacophony of the better piano of tuning is happily more beautiful. The "wonderful" reverberation in which sound comes down from on the head occasionally with rich sound like a full concert ground is comfortable.
If it passes over bisection from a performance start, the Bösendorfer made from 1939 will change to my finger, and will begin to riot. It begins to run about at full speed. Sound completes and goes at the moment to uneasy inside occasionally like a terrible storm at a moment.
Soon, a storm goes away, and moves and goes to the following scenery.
Improvisatorial without a musical score is transitory. An Movie "fixes" improvisatorial.
By the improvisatorial music which advances and goes while reacting to an instantaneous sound at the moment, there is always danger of damping. It is difficult to consider the whole composition and to clarify introduction development turn and conclusion.
I am poor at performing improvisatorial, looking at a clock. Furthermore, having been troubled has a certain study group at the same place on the day, and it has encountered the friend of a place of work in a body. The motto which does not bring work to music and which does not carry music into work is full collapse.
My wife by whom the only help rarely comes to hear my piano commented only this portion "was good." This is a very new thing.
Since description of this performance is explained by the blog of my friend with literary talent.
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