
即興のココロ とアナリーゼ / 高崎City Gallery Improvisation April 16,2016


 それは私が高校1年の時 偶然AMラジオをつけた時に、嵐のようなピアノの音が流れてきた。まるで豪雨のような、いまだかつて聞いたことのない音楽。そしていつしか雨はやみ、景色の明度が増し、わずかに虹が見え余韻を残しながら消えて行く。
 自分の耳の記憶を頼りに探し、後に1973年に録音された「ソロコンサート」Bremen part 1にたどり着く。これがキース・ジャレットとの出会いでした。当時音楽的に多感であった時期なのでしょう。私にとって大変な衝撃で、多大な影響を及ぼしました。

 この日はの相手は高崎シティギャラリーのベーゼンドルファーインペリアル。直前に仲間のピアニストの調律も入り 中低音の豊かな響きが心地よい。しかしリハーサルでも気になったことが、右手の速いパッセージがどうしても転んでしまう。鍵盤を押した時のタッチはやや重めであるが重いことは問題にはならない。ピアノのせいにしてはいけないのだが、問題は中音高音での鍵盤の返りがやや遅く、軽くふわ~と速いパッセージが難しかった。夢スタジオのベーゼンドルファーも鋼鉄のような印象を持っている。週末音楽家にとっては指のトレーニングをしないと弾きこなせない。鬼門である。

 即興を行う時には最初のモチーフ、パターンと調性だけは考えておく必要がある。この日は朝考えた少々どこかで聞いたようなクラシックっぽいモチーフから入る あとで聞くとブリテンの「青少年のための~」ぽいなあ。それから数分はピアノとの探りあいが数分続く。 
 最初のモチーフのみは事前に考えている。そうでないと始まらない。 しかしあとは指任せ、ピアノ任せである。ここから先は体調とピアノとの相性が大きい。必要なものはまず、第一に良いピアノとホール 第二に良い調律 第三に体調管理 第四に直前の1時間の指の練習(と思うがいつもできていない。)



 この即興は 後から見れば大きく3つの部分に分けられる。最初~6分ぐらいまでは冗長である。なかなかピアノが言うこと聞いてくれない 6:35から景色が一変する。ベーゼンドルファーインペリアルの黒鍵盤に誘惑され、工事現場のような音が始まる 中音低音系のピアノ?なのでこういうのを弾いてくれ!とうことだったのか。音が大きければ良いというものでは全くないが、ピアノから要求された と言っておこう。

 私の即興は和音展開系である。ある程度音楽をやっている人は理解してもらえると思うが、一つの与えられた和音(コード)に対して進んで行く先の次のコードパターンは実は通常多くはなく指先で反射的に対応可能である。私の場合は 2-5はほとんど見られない。ルートの音が半音ずつ変化して行くか、またはコードの内声変化させていく。分散和音での処理が多い。そしてそれが8小節~16小節単位で進行して行く。リズムは4拍子と3拍子が頻繁に入れ替わるが、12拍子のアクセントの位置を変化サせているだけのようである。調性は何も考えないとkey= Dにどうしても収束してしまう癖があるようだ。


Improvised first
 When I put an accidental AM radio on that when I was a high school for 1 year, the tone of the piano like a storm has been called off. The music the thing heard is never just like a torrential downpour. And only when, I suffer from rain and increase in the brightness of the scenery, and a rainbow looks little and evanesces while leaving a lingering tone.

 After looking for it to depend on a memory of the ear, recorded "solo concert" arrives in Bremen part 1 in 1973. This was an encounter with Keith Jared. The time susceptible musically then. I had a great influence by a serious impact for me.

Before improvised.
 The partner who is this day is BEZENDORUFAINPERIARU in Takasaki city gallery. A ring abundant in a low voice during entering is also pleasant tuning of company's pianist just before. But the fast passage by which a worrisome thing is a right hand also slips on the rehearsal absolutely. The touch when pushing a keyboard, is rather heavy little, but if it's in a problem, a heavy thing is not. You aren't supposed to blame a piano, return of a keyboard by a normally-pitched voice high note was light late little, and FUWA-and a fast passage were difficult for a problem. BEZENDORUFA in a dream studio also has an impression like steel. When I don't do the training of a finger for a weekend musician, you can't play and make up. It's an unlucky quarter.

The first motif
 When doing interest immediately, it's necessary to regard only tonality as the first motif and pattern. This day was considered in the morning, Britain "is for young people"-when it's heard after entering at the motif which looks like the classical music asked somewhere a little, look. And the spying on each other with the piano continues for several minutes for several minutes. 
 I go out to being improvised, and the next sound reacts and progresses to the sound you could hear, and goes. Development turns big of course by partner's piano, and the part where I come near comes to the sound which has come out and the response of the piano.
 Only the first motif is considered beforehand. So, or, it doesn't start. But I leave the back to the finger and leave to the piano. Physical condition and the chemistry with the piano are big from here. The piano and the hole for which something necessary is good at first first  Second, good tuning  Third, physical condition management  Fourth, practice of a just before finger for 1 hour (And, I think, but it's never done.)

 When doing interest immediately, I decide never to see a clock. This is because a clock is seeing and has the experience which has fallen. Therefore a biological clock will be a reliance. Declaration schedule time of this day is 12 minutes. It was the specialty to bring to an end in about plus minus 1 minute as the specialty at these days, it takes 16 minutes and a half for this performance for some reason. I don't know whether it's the previous day's work fatigue or degradation of a biological clock (Aging?) Even this will be 12 minutes.

Astral projection
  To need the improvised line, ryou, and, the response is the feeling which is being done only by a fingertip. When thinking, a head can't make. It'll be the sense which is thought to be well objectively from the place where a piano and a finger continued the performance, left my consciousness behind several meters and got away little selfishly.

 This, when seeing from later, interest will be shared with 3 parts big immediately. It's redundant until the beginning-around 6 minutes. The scenery changes completely from 6:35 which doesn't hear that a piano says easily. The tone like the construction site is tempted to a black key board of BEZENDORUFAINPERIARU, and starts  Piano of the normally-pitched voice low system? So please play such one! Was it to care? I don't have that at all by the one which should be loud, but I'll say that it was requested from a piano.
   My, interest will be a chord development course immediately. Sound certain degree of, I think a sent person can have them understand easiness, but it's developed to the chord to which one was given (cord), and there aren't usually a lot of cord patterns next to the destination actually, and I'm prepared reflexly by a fingertip. Almost no 2-5 is seen in case of me. Or the tone of the route is changing inner voice of a cord from a halftone changes, and whether you go. There is a lot of processing by a broken chord. 8 measures of that moves forward by-16 measure unit, and I go. Quadruple time and triple time are frequently replaced with rhythm, the location of 12 chances of accent, change SA SE, just, seem. When I think nothing, tonality seems to be in the habit settled absolutely in key = D.

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